Thursday 22 February 2018

The One Scandal The Trump White House Can't Lie Its Way Out Of

THE FIRST SCANDAL THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION COULDN’T SQUASH WITH AN ‘ALTERNATIVE FACT’ HuffPost reporter S.V. Date breaks down how the photo of an ex-wife’s bruised eye and the #MeToo movement forced the White House on the defensive. And even Sen. Orrin Hatch has reportedly apologized to Rob Porter’s ex-wives for defending his former chief of staff. [HuffPost] [Tweet | Share on Facebook]

THE FLORIDA SHOOTING SUSPECT WAS REPORTEDLY ABLE TO BUY 10 GUNS IN THE LAST YEAR And passed a background check immediately. At the funeral of a teacher who died protecting his students, his fiancee revealed he told her what to say in case he died in a school shooting. The New York Post and Anderson Cooper both slammed Trump for golfing this weekend amid funerals for the Florida school shooting victims. And a White House official called the shooting a “reprieve” from the onslaught of bad coverage for the Trump administration. [HuffPost]

THE PLOT THICKENS WITH PAUL MANAFORT As a new BuzzFeed report alleges he’s under scrutiny for over $40 million in “suspicious” transactions. [BuzzFeed]

IF YOU DIDN’T WATCH THE FINALE FOR OLYMPIC ICE DANCING LAST NIGHT You missed out on not only an incredible display, but Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir winning gold and becoming the most decorated figure skaters in Olympic history. Their performance was nothing short of breathtakingly unbelievable. [HuffPost]

Source: Yahoo News