Thursday 22 February 2018

These Are The Most Expensive Travel Days Of The Year

There are two days of the year that are the absolute most expensive days of the year, according to the CEO of FareCompare ― November 22nd and November 26th. Understandably, that’s the Wednesday before and the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

If that’s not bad enough, these expensive flying days get pricier by the day to the tune of 50 to 75 cents a day ― that’s $1.50 more in September and $2.50 more by October.

As much as you may not want to, you better hurry to book your trip to visit your in-laws now, as procrastinators can pay an extra $200 or more for their trip! Yikes!

And if visiting the in-laws isn’t in the cards this year, consider traveling to international hotspots like Portugal, which boasts sunny beaches, medieval castles, wine country and port towns. And the best part yet? It’s completely affordable. We’re starting to think Portugal may be the new Iceland!

Source: huffingtonpost