Thursday 22 February 2018

Subdued birthday for Zimbabwe's ousted Mugabe

Harare (AFP) - Zimbabweans marked Robert Mugabe's 94th birthday on Wednesday with an official day off, but without the extravagant cakes and fawning tributes that defined February 21 for much of his 37-year rule.

As president, Mugabe typically celebrated with a rambling speech while wearing a suit decorated with images of his own face at a party that included a lavish feast.

But following his ousting in November after a brief military takeover, this year's festivities were restrained.

Other than a solitary editorial proclaiming the former head of state's big day in the government-run Herald newspaper, there was little in the way of official fanfare.

None of the ministries and agencies that previously clamoured to mark the day even acknowledged it this year, and the flurry of tributes that filled newspaper pull-outs each year was also absent.

While government offices and schools were closed for the first annual "Robert Mugabe National Youth Day" -- declared a week after his forced resignation on November 21 -- much civilian life continued as normal.

"It's a day we treasure and we revere the former president," Simon Khaya Moyo, spokesman of the ruling ZANU-PF party, told local media.

Source: Yahoo News