Thursday 22 February 2018

Stephen Colbert Gets Serious: Time To Tell Do-Nothing Pols That Their Time Is Up

Stephen Colbert is calling out do-nothing politicians who refuse to act on gun control.

In his first new “Late Show” episode since last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, Colbert said it’s clear that kids have now become leading voices on the issue of gun control and that “the adults aren’t cutting it anymore.”

“I hope these kids don’t give up, because this is their lives and their future,” Colbert said Tuesday. “Someone else may be in power, but this country belongs to them.”

Colbert also put lawmakers on notice for failing to take action, saying the rapid rise of the Me Too movement shows how quickly change can happen.

“This is an election year,” Colbert said. “So if you want to see change, you have to go to the polls and tell the people who will not protect you that their time is up.”

See his full comments in the clip above.

Source: Yahoo News