Thursday 22 February 2018

Snapchat’s Redesign Isn’t Going Anywhere

This month, more than a million keyboard-wielding, moderately frustrated users petitioned Snapchat to roll back its big redesign—the one Snap delicately introduced over the course of a few months and said would be “disruptive.” Miraculously, this petition has achieved something, albeit on the smallest of scales.

Petitioners were rewarded with a response from Snap yesterday, but the lukewarm reply isn’t what they asked for. Yes, Snapchat is sticking with the changes. And yes, more changes are on the way to address any issues you may have with all these changes.

The gist of Snap’s response (in full below) is that it “completely understand[s]” your frustration. This is “just the beginning” and don’t worry, because Snap “will always listen.”

Snap’s response points to additional changes that it announced yesterday, including a tabs feature that lets users “sort things like Stories, Group Chats, and Subscriptions, allowing you to further customize your own experience on the app.” Snap is also working with Giphy on animated stickers, and the company says “the new Friends page will adapt to you and get smarter over time.”

When Snap announced the redesign in November, it warned it didn’t “yet know how the behavior of our community will change when they begin to use our updated application.” Snap said it was “willing to take that risk” because the redesign sought to solve a very real problem.

From the start, Snapchat’s novel design came with a learning curve. Figuring out how to use it was like a secret you could share with friends, and it worked, successfully winning over young folks while remaining out of reach for many of the olds who still use Facebook. Then the perk became a problem.

source: gizmodo