Thursday 22 February 2018

Marco Rubio jeered at CNN town hall on school shootings

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., endorsed more gun control legislation after intense questioning from survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Wednesday night.

Rubio faced a hostile crowd at the CNN town hall in Sunrise, Fla., with audience members booing frequently and holding up phones with photos of victims. The former 2016 presidential contender was confronted about accepting over $3 million in donations from the National Rifle Association.

Slideshow: Remembering the victims of the Parkland, Fla., high school shooting >>>

“Senator Rubio, will you tell me right now that you won’t accept a single donation from the NRA?” asked Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the Feb. 14 shooting, which left 17 dead.

The question received a standing ovation, but Rubio defended his record, saying that his position on the Second Amendment had been consistent and that people had agreed with that agenda.

As the audience jeered Rubio, Kasky countered, “You could have said ‘no.’” He offered to raise enough money to match the donations given Rubio by the NRA.

Kasky’s question was complemented by a tweet from fellow survivor and newly minted activist David Hogg, who divided the total of Rubio’s NRA donations by the number killed in last week’s shooting.

Source: Yahoo News